Saturday, April 5, 2014

Falling Off the Wagon...

So it seems that I have not given my blog a second thought in many months. I just realized that I never published a post I wrote back in August, so I just published it without even giving it a glance-over to make sure there weren't any embarrassing typos or over-shares (*cringe*). I suppose I'm not as high-maintenance about my blog as I once was.

Those closest to me know that I have neglected my blog for good reason. As it turns out, the final year of grad school is a real killer. On paper, my schedule didn't look too bad last semester- a lecture, an on-campus diagnostic clinic, and my school practicum. And then of course about 10 hours a week of work. I didn't account for the fact that my school practicum plus work alone would add up to about a full-time job, and that, combined with driving an hour each way twice a week for lecture and clinic, with coursework for both those classes added on top for good measure, was just…wow. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the week off I got before I had to first go back to work, then to my medical externship, then to my last course and studying for my comprehensive exams. So…yeah…pressure's been on and I have been off ( my blog, that is). 

I actually have time to write this now because I am not currently training for a half-marathon as I was the last time I wrote (though I do have one coming up for which I am entirely unprepared), nor am I any longer studying for comps, as I already gave those bad boys the boot a couple of weeks ago. Just as my obligations tapered on (and on, and on) they are now tapering off- in what feels like a very slow manner, but off they taper nonetheless. I see the light of summer, of freedom, and of finally working for pay at the end of the unknowably long tunnel that is grad school. 

Now, in addition to neglecting my blog, I have also, unfortunately, been neglecting my body. I'm sure that subconsciously part of the reason I haven't posted is because I am not in a position to advise anyone on healthy choices or a healthy lifestyle at this point in my life. Because I went straight from half-marathon training mode to super-stressed-and-busy mode, I never transitioned back into eating the amount that a normal human eats, nor have I really been running to justify satisfying my superhuman appetite. I am an unabashed stress-eater; I look forward to cumulative hour a day that I spend enjoying the consumption of food, because it comforts me and usually distracts me from the million things going through my head. Running does that too, but running requires energy, and eating does not, so guess which I choose when I get home at 7:30 after an 11-hour day? Griping over.

The good news is that now I have a schedule with actual pockets in which I can run. I haven't taken advantage of it yet, but I did at least put my running clothes on today, so that's something. I've been on and off the running wagon enough to know that those first few runs are the hardest, and what helps motivate me is knowing that I am going to be able to set aside time on a regular basis to run. At this point, I don't have a choice, as I am running another half marathon in about a month. You'd think this would have lit a fire under my ass today, but watching Legally Blonde on MTV and eating a Sharky's fajita bowl was enough to keep my ass nice and cool. The other thing I have learned in my few years of running, though, is that every day is new day, and you always have to be open to the possibility that today may be the day when "it" clicks- when you find your rhythm again and re-commit yourself to the run. Today wasn't that day, but tomorrow might be. After Pancake Sunday Brunch of course…

Hope this finds all who read it well :-)


P.S. Here's a picture of Jax, my little man, who never fails to make me smile (and has made me smile a lot in the past 8 months).

You light up my life, little buddy.

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